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List of books by publisher : The British Academy, Egypt Exploration Society

There are 31 books.

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Reference :: PPEA-050608-03

Publisher :: The British Academy, Egypt Exploration Society

The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LIX

Review(s): 0

Handley, E. W. - Ioannidou, H. G. - Parsons, P. J. - Whitehorne, J. E. G. En anglais et en grec, Graeco-roman Memoirs n°79, The British Academy, Egypt Exploration Society, 1992, 19 x 26, 213 pages + 8 planches, relié, occasion. Bon état. Demi toilé éditeur gris foncé. Plats cartonnés gris clair.

Price €30.00

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