Reference :: DLGM-060421-01
Publisher :: Librairie Hachette
Reference :: DLGM-060421-01
Publisher :: Librairie Hachette
Reference :: DLGM-150508-03
Publisher :: Domus latina
Reference :: DLGM-231009-02
Publisher :: Ophrys
Reference :: BD-071107-10
Publisher :: Egmont Ehapa Verlag
Classiques en poche (Paperback Classics). A Collection directed by Hélène Monsacré.
At long last—the "Budé" Collection is in paperback !
The "Universités de France" Collection - CUF (known as "Budé"), which consists of over 800 published volumes, is the world's largest and most prestigious compendium of Greek and Latin texts. This set of volumes is now available to a wider readership.
Indeed, there is nothing boring or barren about this library of ancient texts, in which readers will explore epics, historical tales, and poetry and theatrical plays brimming with edifying entertainment that might otherwise have been overlooked.
What is more, there is ample room for this Collection, with its reference works that are also fun to read, halfway between the two extremes of books that are too scholarly and intimidating, on the one hand (because of their reading level and cost) and others popularised to please the greatest number—not always well-written. As a reference work, it stands out because of the quality of its translation (performed by Les Belles Lettres) and the meticulous editing of the original texts. As a source of entertainment, it excels in its diversity and the proliferation of themes and literary genres concealed in antiquity.
Some 18 new works, all bilingual, are released in Latin/French and Greek/French every year. They are accompanied by a basic introduction and straightforward notes whose sole purpose is to help readers better understand the texts and an appended summary that gives a brief overview of relevant issues.
Most readers should derive great benefit from this Collection of works written by the authors who founded our culture.
There are 83 books.
Reference :: BLCG-241012-02
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-10
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-09
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-270509-01
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-250908-01
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-06
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-231108-03
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-07
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-08
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-241012-01
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-11
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres
Reference :: BLCG-040209-21
Publisher :: Les Belles Lettres