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The Greek and Macedonian Art of War
  • The Greek and Macedonian Art of War

The Greek and Macedonian Art of War


Adcock, F. E.

En anglais,
University of California Press, 1967,
11 x 18,5, 109 pages, broché, occasion.
Bon état. Ex libris manuscrit (stylo)
en haut de page de garde.

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This informal history traces battle tactics and military strategy from the time of the city-states’ phalanxes of spearmen to the far-reaching combined operations of specialized land and sea forces in the hellenistic Age. The author first describes the attitude of the Greek city-state toward war, and shows the military conventions and strategies associated with it. He then recounts how the art of war gradually evolved into new forms through the contributions of such men as the great commander Epaminondas, Philip of Macedon, his son Alexander the Great, and others. He also discusses the interdependence of land and sea power, describes the first use of cavalry, and tells of the ingenious Greek devices of siegecraft, including the "fifth column."” "Here is a book —an all too short book— for the military specialist, the classicist, and the general reader who appreciates clear and sparkling prose."— American Historical Review.

SIR FRANK ADCOCK is Emeritus Professor of Ancient History and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge University. The present edition is a reprint of Volume Thirty of the Classical Lectures delivered at the University of California.

Book Details
1 Book

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Adcock, F. E.
en anglais
University of California Press
Edition year
Width (cm)
Height (cm)
109 pages
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The Greek and Macedonian Art of War

The Greek and Macedonian Art of War

Adcock, F. E.

En anglais,
University of California Press, 1967,
11 x 18,5, 109 pages, broché, occasion.
Bon état. Ex libris manuscrit (stylo)
en haut de page de garde.

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